Sailing to Serenity: A Journey to Saint Martin's Island

Embarking on a journey of discovery and adventure, my wife and I, self-proclaimed Gypsy Soul, recently set out to explore the captivating beauty of Saint Martin's Island in the Bay of Bengal. Accompanied by our family, including our brother-in-law's ones, this escapade promised to be a memorable experience filled with scenic wonders.

Saint Martin's Island - A Coral Paradise

Nestled in the Bay of Bengal, Saint Martin's Island stands as Bangladesh's only coral island, covering a mere eight square kilometers. Known locally as 'Narikel Jinjira' (Coconut Island) and 'Daruchini Dwip' (Cinnamon Island), the island offers a unique charm. Situated approximately 10 km from the mainland at Teknaf, Saint Martin's mesmerizes visitors with its ever-changing landscape during tides. The azure sky, swaying coconut trees, and crystal-clear blue waters create a picturesque backdrop for relaxation, fun, and exploration.

Saint Martin's Island

The Night Journey and Scenic Road to Teknaf

Our expedition began under the cloak of night from the Arambag Bus Stand, boarding the Saint Martin Paribahan. A comfortable night bus ride set the tone for the excitement that awaited us on the coral island.

A pit stop at a quaint restaurant in Cumilla provided a welcome respite, where we relished steaming bowls of Khichuri, fueling ourselves for the remainder of the journey. Energized and refreshed, we resumed our expedition, the anticipation mounting with every passing mile.

As dawn broke, our bus rolled into Teknaf, offering us stunning glimpses of the scenic beauty along the way. Pausing to savor a hearty breakfast, we fortified ourselves for the adventures that awaited us on the shimmering shores of Saint Martin's Island.

Setting Sail to Serenity

The anticipation was palpable as we disembarked from Teknaf and eagerly boarded the Keari Sindbad, the vessel that would ferry us across the Bay of Bengal to the enchanting Saint Martin's Island. With hearts full of excitement, our family, along with fellow travelers, embarked on a maritime adventure that promised glimpses of breathtaking landscapes and seafaring wonders.

As the ship set sail, the rhythmic hum of the engine marked the beginning of our maritime odyssey. The vast expanse of the Bay of Bengal lay before us, and a sense of wonder enveloped the ship. The cool sea breeze tousled our hair as we eagerly embraced the open sea.

A Feathered Escort 

A fascinating spectacle unfolded as seagulls, graceful and free, began to accompany the ship. Like many others on board, we couldn't resist the allure of feeding them chips. However, a realization soon dawned upon us – this seemingly harmless act might have detrimental effects on the natural food habits of these magnificent birds. The picturesque scene of seagulls flying alongside the ship was juxtaposed with a thoughtful reflection on responsible tourism.

Borderlines and Beyond 

As we sailed on, the horizon revealed not just endless waves but also the distant border of Myanmar, a reminder of the geopolitical realities that shape the landscape of the Bay of Bengal. The juxtaposition of natural beauty and human boundaries served as a poignant backdrop to our journey, highlighting the interconnectedness of the world around us.

Arrival at Saint Martin Island 

After hours of sailing, the moment we had been eagerly awaiting arrived – the sight of Saint Martin's Island on the horizon. As the ship docked at the island's port around 1 PM, a wave of excitement washed over us. Stepping onto the island's soil, we were greeted by the warm embrace of the tropical breeze, signaling the beginning of our island sojourn.

Kingshuk Eco Resort – Our Island Haven

Our accommodation, the Kingshuk Eco Resort, beckoned us with promises of comfort and tranquility. Nestled on the island, this resort boasted its own private beach, adding an exclusive touch to our island retreat. Eager to unwind and make the most of our stay, we promptly checked in and set out to explore our new home away from home.

Kingshuk Eco Resort

Beachside Revelations 

The younger members of our group headed to the beach for a refreshing bath, while our respected elders opted for the comforts of the resort showers. During our seafront escapade, a moment of excitement unfolded when our brother Tonmoy discovered a sea creature. Gathering around him, we identified it as a Sea Cucumber, a discovery that transported us to a thrilling adventure of Tin Goyenda named 'Othoi Sagar', igniting the imagination of die-hard fans like myself and my wife.

A Beachside Luncheon 

Post our aquatic rendezvous, we regrouped for a hearty lunch, filling our stomachs in preparation for the leisurely afternoon ahead. Heading back to the beach, we nestled into beach chairs, surrounded by the soothing symphony of chirping birds and the rhythmic sounds of the sea waves. Engaging in lively conversation and sharing hearty laughter, the beach became a canvas for creating memories that would linger.

Siesta by the Sea, Collecting Sea Shells and Evening Delights

As the afternoon sun warmed the sands, the irresistible combination of the sea's melody and the gentle breeze induced a sense of drowsiness. Succumbing to the tranquil ambiance, I found myself taking a nap, enveloped in the embrace of nature's lullaby.

Late afternoon ushered in a new chapter of exploration. Venturing once again to the beach, the sea waves playfully washed over our feet as our mothers joyfully collected Sea Shells, a communal activity that added a touch of simplicity and beauty to the day. As the evening descended, we gathered for snacks, tea, and coffee, savoring the flavors of the island as the sun dipped below the horizon.

Fish Fry Excursion

With the evening in full swing, the younger members of our group embarked on a culinary adventure, heading to the bazaar to indulge in the island's famed fish fry. Meanwhile, our elders reveled in merry conversations, creating a harmonious blend of generations enjoying the island's offerings.

Returning to the resort with the delectable taste of fish fry lingering on our taste buds, we wrapped up the day with a sense of contentment. The island had not only provided us with natural wonders but also moments of connection, laughter, and culinary delight, making our Saint Martin's Island experience truly extraordinary.

Coral Fish Barbecue Feast

The evening unfolded with a promise of gastronomic delight as we headed to enjoy a dinner highlighted by the enticing aroma of Coral Fish Barbecue. Seated together, our laughter and merriment resonated with the ambiance, creating a memorable atmosphere of camaraderie and shared joy. The coral fish, grilled to perfection, added a flavorful note to the evening, leaving us satiated and content.

Beachside Bliss

After the delightful dinner, the night beckoned us to the beach, where beach chairs awaited our presence. As we settled in, the night sea unveiled its enchanting allure, accompanied by the rhythmic melody of sea waves. The tranquility of the moment became a backdrop for contemplation and connection, as we marveled at the vastness of the ocean under the starlit sky.

A Quest for Sleep Under the Stars

Driven by our nomadic spirits, my wife and I sought to extend our island experience by attempting to sleep under the vast expanse of the night sky. However, our plans were thwarted by the persistent presence of mosquitoes, prompting a reluctant retreat to the comforts of our resort room. Despite the disappointment, the night air whispered promises of future adventures, keeping the flame of wanderlust alive within us.

Journey to Chhera Dwip 

As the first light of dawn painted the horizon with hues of gold and pink, we greeted the morning with eager anticipation. Gathering for a hearty breakfast, we fueled our spirits for the day ahead, ready to embrace whatever adventures Saint Martin's Island had in store for us. 

We found ourselves drawn to the allure of Chhera Dwip. Setting out from Saint Martin's Island, we embarked on a leisurely stroll along the shore, our destination set on catching a motorboat to Chhera Dwip. During high tide, the island stood divided from Saint Martin's by the sea, a testament to the ever-shifting dynamics of nature. However, during low tide, a narrow pathway emerged, allowing adventurous souls to traverse the distance by foot, a journey that spanned approximately 2½ hours.

As we approached Chhera Dwip, the island unveiled its distinctive features. The island's landscape showcased shrub and palm tree vegetation, creating a natural oasis in the midst of the Bay of Bengal. Notably, Chhera Dwip remains uninhabited, devoid of any permanent settlement.

A Glimpse of Chhera Dwip

Swimming Amidst Nature's Bounty

Eager to immerse ourselves in the island's charm, the younger members of our group wasted no time and plunged into the surrounding waters of Chhera Dwip. The sea, with its crystal-clear depths, offered a refreshing and invigorating experience. The contrast between the turquoise waters and the landscapes of Chhera Dwip created a picture-perfect setting for our aquatic adventures.

With the clock striking noon, we bid adieu to Chhera Dwip and made our way back to Saint Martin's Island. Conscious of the fleeting hours of our stay, we checked out from the resort, eager to make the most of our remaining time.

Bazaar Delights and Seaside Farewells

The bazaar proved to be a treasure trove of traditional sea beach items and local delicacies. Laden with pickles and other mementos, we savored the unique flavors of the island, washing them down with refreshing coconut water. These final moments in the bazaar were a blend of commerce and connection, as we bid farewell to the vibrant marketplace that had added its own flair to our island experience.

Homeward Bound

With hearts filled with memories, we boarded the ship that would carry us across the Bay of Bengal back to Teknaf. The mesmerizing view of the sea on our return journey mirrored the beauty that had captivated us on our arrival. The sea breeze acted as a refreshing balm, rejuvenating both body and mind as we sailed back to the mainland.

Teknaf's Twilight and the Road Home

As the ship docked in Teknaf in the evening, we embarked on the journey back to Dhaka with Saint Martin Paribahan. The bus provided a comfortable space to reflect on our island escapade, and we indulged in tea and light snacks, savoring the flavors of both the island and the road.

Our return to Dhaka in the morning marked the end of our Saint Martin's Island adventure. With great memories etched in our minds, we brought home a collection of experiences that would be cherished for a lifetime. As we stepped back into the rhythm of daily life, the vibrant colors, soothing sea breezes, and the laughter shared on Saint Martin's Island continued to echo in our hearts, a testament to the magic of this tropical haven.

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